Mysoginy Detection NLP
Delia Giandeini

Improving Misogyny Detection models using Rubrix

September 2, 2021

Ignacio Talavera

Hey there! In this article, I will show you how we used Rubrix to refine training data to improve existing deep learning models for Automatic Misogyny Detection(AMI): NLP models able to detect the underlying misogyny on a given text. Ground-breaking work is being made every year on this subject, with shared tasks and new ideas that push the performance of these models closer and closer to what a moderation team of humans could do.

Alongside Rubrix, we used our open-source library biome.text to train models with a simple workflow.

Our objective

I was preparing my Bachelor’s thesis on the subject of Automatic Misogyny Detection, with data from several shared tasks and competitions on the subject. In this setting, we wanted to use the potential of Rubrix in our favour, going beyond the classic linear workflows that are so common in Deep Learning: gathering some data, preprocessing it, training a model and start making inference. Rubrix breaks that scheme; it allowed us to use a human-in-the-loop approach with retraining and fine-tuning and to add new data in follow-up trainings.

We want to talk you more about it in this article. It is not intended to be a tutorial, even though there will be snippets of code to reproduce our process and get to similar result (we will simplify some aspects of it to keep it light-weighted), but more of a story. We will focus on the process and on what we learnt along the way.


The Bachelor’s thesis was focused on the Spanish language, and datasets of misogyny in Spanish text are nothing but scarce. This was the first hardship: finding datasets to start training some models. Luckily, there is a very important community of shared tasks focused on the matter, covering a lot of non-English languages. We started working with data from IberEval 2018, a shared-task that offered a compilation of tweets, analyzed by experts and classified into 5 different misogyny categories and 2 targets. We started training our first model with around three thousand instances of annotated data.

Afterwards, the EXIST task at IberLEF 2021 came to our sight. We saw there a perfect opportunity for our work on misogyny detection, for two reasons:

  • To test our approach on misogyny detection on a different subdomain, with different data.
  • To expand our three-thousand-or-so instances dataset.

We covered our participation in the EXIST task in an entry of our blogpost. After we submitted our runs, we shifted our efforts towards integrating these new data into our corpus. The categorization was different: IberEval 2018 used a categorization system of 5 categories and 2 targets, but IberLEF 2021 didn’t have a target field, and its categories were different.

With the classic approach of Deep Learning, our journey would have ended there: with two different, incompatible datasets. But, thanks to Rubrix, it was only the beginning.

Merging data from different sources

The thesis started around the data corpus of IberEval 2018. Misogyny classification, which was established by the organization, is made following these categories:

  • Misogynous: binary field, defines if the tweet is sexist or not.
  • Misogyny category: denotes the type of misogynistic behaviour, if there is misogyny in the text. 5 possible categories: Stereotype & Objectification, Dominance, Derailing, Sexual Harassment & Threats of Violence and Discredit.
  • Misogyny target: Active, if the misogyny behaviour is targetted towards a specific woman or group of women or Passive if the behaviour is targetted to many potential receivers, even women as a gender.

After our participation in EXIST at IberLEF 2021, we decied to include more training data in the thesis. Originally, we wanted to scrap Twitter and manually retrieve misogynistic tweets. However, using data originally annotated from experts, which was also used by the NLP community, seemed the right thing to do. The only problem was the label system, which was different:

  • Misogynous: the same binary field as in IberEval 2018.
  • Misogyny category: 5 different categories; Idelogical & Inequality, Stereotyping & Dominance, Objectification, Sexual Violence, Misogyny and Non-sexual Violence. This labelling system has no misogyny target.

At this point, Rubrix became an essential tool for our work. It allowed us to explore both corpora, and make an annotation phase to adapt the data from EXIST into the standard of IberEval 2018.

Annotation as a single annotator

Our objective was to adapt data from EXIST shared task to the standard of IberLEF 2021. Therefore, as single annotators, we uploaded the dataset from IberLEF 2021, and begin to explore its predictions and annotations.

If you want to upload the training set of the EXIST task, follow the snippet below:

annotation_df = pd.read_csv('')records = []for index, row in annotation_df.iterrows():    item = rb.TextClassificationRecord(        id=index,        inputs={            "text": row["text"]        },        multi_label=True,        metadata={            "task1_annotation": row['task1'],            "task2_annotation": row['task2'],        }    )    records.append(item)rb.log(records=records, name="single_annotation", tags={"project": "misogyny", "annotator": "ignacio"})

Once we’ve logged our annotation dataset into Rubrix, we can start annotating on the UI. Let’s quickly remember how it’s done

  1. Open Rubrix in your browser. If you’re running it locally, it is usually running on http://localhost:6900.
  2. Select the single_annotation dataset.
  3. On the upper-right corner, toggle the Annotation mode.
  4. Start selecting the categories that you think fit the input text. If you don’t know Spanish, don’t worry! 15 instances are not going to change the final model that much, and you will still learn how to annotate.
  5. For each instance you can annotate a category by pressing it, discarding the record (if you think it does not fit the problem domain), or leave it without an annotation.

Annotating as a team

We arranged a team of 5 different annotators, which worked over a week to transform instances from the EXIST standard to the one from IberEval 2018. For doing so, we needed a way to merge several annotations of the same instance into one, preserving the will of the majority, and that’s when the Inter-Annotator Agreement (IAA) comes in handy. There are many different types of IAAs, some based on rules and others based on statistics.

Here’s a simplifaction of our IAA as a rule system: * For an instance to be annotated with a category, there must be the consensus of, at least, two annotators. * If there’s consensus in a sexism category, and other annotators find there’s no sexism in the instance, it will be discarded.

Our team of annotators was formed by Amélie, Leire, Javier, Víctor and Ignacio. In the next cells, you can find a cell that logs the original annotations made by our annotators (the non-annotated version is the one downloaded in the previous section). After that, we will retrieve these annotated datasets from Rubrix using the load command.

If you want to explore all the datasets, code and resources used in the whole thesis, you can find them at Temis Github page. Come to say hi!

annotation_1_df = pd.read_json('')annotation_2_df = pd.read_json('')annotation_3_df = pd.read_json('')annotation_4_df = pd.read_json('')annotation_5_df = pd.read_json('')

Now, let’s log this information into Rubrix. We are showing you how to log one of the datasets, you just have to repeat the process and change the names of the logged datasets, so get logged separately, and each agent knows in which dataset she or he should annotate.

records = []for index, row in annotation_1_df.iterrows():    item = rb.TextClassificationRecord(        id=index,        inputs={            "text": row["text"]        },        annotation=row["annotation"],        annotation_agent="annotator 1",        multi_label=True,        metadata={            "task1_annotation": row['task1'],            "task2_annotation": row['task2'],        }    )    records.append(item)rb.log(records=records, name="annotation_misogyny_1", tags={"project": "misogyny", "annotator": "annotator 1"})

One thing that should be remembered is that, for divulgation purposes, we are simplifying the complexity of the problem. You can find more information about how the labels in which our agents annotated are divided into two subcategories here.

After our logging and exploration, we can go ahead and load these datasets from Rubrix.

annotation_1 = rb.load("annotation_misogyny_1").set_index("id").sort_index()annotation_2 = rb.load("annotation_misogyny_2").set_index("id").sort_index()annotation_3 = rb.load("annotation_misogyny_3").set_index("id").sort_index()annotation_4 = rb.load("annotation_misogyny_4").set_index("id").sort_index()annotation_5 = rb.load("annotation_misogyny_5").set_index("id").sort_index()

rb.load() returns a Pandas Dataframe. We will use this library to merge our annotations into a single dataset.

# We will use this tool to count ocurrences in listfrom collections import Counterannotation_final = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id','text', 'annotation', 'annotation_agent'])# Iterating through the datasets, all of them has the same lengthfor i in range(len(annotation_anna)):    # Extracting the annotated categories by each annotator    category_annotated_1 = annotation_1.iloc[i]["annotation"]    category_annotated_2 = annotation_2.iloc[i]["annotation"]    category_annotated_3 = annotation_3.iloc[i]["annotation"]    category_annotated_4 = annotation_4.iloc[i]["annotation"]    category_annotated_5 = annotation_5.iloc[i]["annotation"]    # Merging the annotations into a list    annotated_categories = [category_annotated_1, category_annotated_2, category_annotated_3, category_annotated_4, category_annotated_5]    # Flattening the list (if there is annotation, it is saved as an individual list)    if not None in annotated_categories:        annotated_categories = [item for sublist in annotated_categories for item in sublist]    # If all the elements in the list are None, we can return 'non-annotated'    if all(annotation is None for annotation in annotated_categories):        merged_annotation = 'non-annotated'    # Counting the annotations    counted_annotations = Counter(annotated_categories)    # Checking if the element with the most number of annotations follows the rules to be annotated    if counted_annotations[max(counted_annotations, key=counted_annotations.get)] >= 2 and "0" not in counted_annotations:        merged_annotation = max(counted_annotations, key=counted_annotations.get)    else:        merged_annotation = 'no-consensus'    # As all elements in each row of the DataFrame except the annotations are the same, we can    # retrieve information from any of the annotators. In our case is Anna.    annotation_final = annotation_final.append({        'id': annotation_1.iloc[i]["metadata"]["id"],        'text': annotation_1.iloc[i]["inputs"]["text"],        'annotation': merged_annotation,        'annotation_agent': 'Recognai Team',    }, ignore_index=True)

Obtained corpus

After our annotation session, we obtained 517 new instances, which we added to the corpus of the thesis. Of them, 332 were annotated as non-sexist, and 184 as sexist.

We followed a multilabel annotation approach, so there could be more than one misogyny category per instance. For example, in Sexual Harassment texts, there is, usually, also some kind of dominance or objectification, so we wanted to cover those cases. Here is our distribution of categories.

Finally, we also categorized the target of the instance. We don’t allow multilabel annotation here; a sexist text cannot be active and passive at the same time.


Thanks to this annotation session, we were capable of including 517 new instances into our data corpus, and therefore improve the performance of our misogyny detection model, which was later released as a RESTful API for app developers and users to make predictions and build moderation pipelines around them.

Besides improving our model’s performance, we wanted to explore a development lifecycle with Rubrix in which models can be improved over time, with people participating as humans in the loop, analyzing the output of our first models, searching their weaknesses and trying to enforce them. We believe data science is an iterative process in which monitoring obtained models and iterating through them for improvement is key.

We invite you to test out Rubrix and join the conversation! Check out out our Github page and Discussion Forum to share ideas, questions, or just to say hi.


Here are some procedures we’ve made for this guide that were kept on the background. If you want to reproduce all our steps, including the training of models and some extra parts, we will give provide with cells to do so! Feel free to change anything and try new stuff, and tell us if you have some doubts our find something cool at our Github forum

Dependencies & Installs

During this guide, we’ve provided some minimal code for our use case. However, to reproduce exactly our process, you will firstly need to install Rubrix, biome.text and pandas. We will also import them.

%pip install -U git+ install rubrix%pip install pandasexit(0)  # Force restart of the runtime
from biome.text import *import pandas as pdimport rubrix as rb

Training our first model

To reproduce a simplified version of the first trained model, before annotation, you can execute the following cells. We’ve already searched for good-enough configurations, so you can skip that step.

Let’s start by loading the datasets

# Loading the datasetstraining_ds = Dataset.from_csv('', index=False)test_ds = Dataset.from_csv('', index=False)

Creating NLP pipelines with biome.text is quick and convenient! We performed an HPO process on the background, to find suitable hyperparameters for this domain, so let’s use them to create our first AMI model. Note that we’re making a pipeline with BETO, a Spanish Transformer model, at the head.

pipeline_dict = {    "name": "AMI_first_model",    "features": {        "transformers": {            "model_name": "dccuchile/bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased", # BETO model            "trainable": True,            "max_length": 280,  # As we are working with data from Twitter, this is our max length        }    },    "head": {        "type": "TextClassification",        # These are the possible misogyny categories.        "labels": [            'sexual_harassment',             'dominance',             'discredit',             'stereotype',             'derailing',             'non-sexist'        ],        "pooler": {            "type": "lstm",            "num_layers": 1,            "hidden_size": 256,            "bidirectional": True,        },    },}pl = Pipeline.from_config(pipeline_dict)
trainer_config = TrainerConfiguration(    optimizer={        "type": "adamw",        "lr": 0.000023636840436059507,        "weight_decay": 0.01438297700463013,    },    batch_size=8,    max_epochs=10,)
trainer = Trainer(    pipeline=pl,    train_dataset=training_ds,    valid_dataset=test_ds,    trainer_config=trainer_config)

After stops, the results of the training and the obtained model will be in the output folder.

We can make some predictions, and take a look at the performance of the model.

pl.predict("Las mujeres no deberían tener derecho a voto")