Argilla is joining Hugging Face 🤗

Argilla is joining Hugging Face 🤗

June 13, 2024

Daniel Vila Suero

Today is an important day in Argilla’s history and we couldn’t be more excited to share this with the community. We’re joining Hugging Face! We’re embracing a larger mission, a brilliant and kind team, and a shared culture and vision about the future of AI.

Over the past year and a half, we’ve been collaborating with Hugging Face on countless projects: being the launching partner of Docker Spaces, empowering the community to clean Alpaca translations into Spanish, German, and other languages, launching Notus building on Zephyr’s learnings, the Data is Better Together initiative with hundreds of community contributors, collaborating with KAIST on ORPO, or releasing OpenHermes Preferences, one of the largest open datasets for preference tuning.

After more than 2,000 Slack messages and over 60 people collaborating on different projects for over a year, it already felt like we were part of the same team and pushing in the same direction. And after a week of the smoothest transition you can imagine, we’re now really the same team.

To those of you who’ve been following us, this won’t be a huge surprise, but it will certainly be a big deal in the coming months. This acquisition means we’ll be doubling down on empowering the community to build and collaborate on high quality datasets, we’ll bring full support for multimodal datasets, and we’ll be in a better place to collaborate with the Open Source AI community. For our current enterprise customers, this means that the Enterprise Hub will unlock highly requested features like single sign-on, audits, and integration with Inference Endpoints.

As a founder, I am extremely proud of the team behind Argilla and I’m proud the full team is now part of something bigger and a larger team but with the same values, culture, and goals. I’m grateful to have shared this journey with my beloved co-founders Paco and Amélie, and our supportive investors Zetta Venture Partners, Criteria Venture Tech, ENIAC Ventures, and many others.

And finally, huge thanks to the Chief Llama Officer Omar Sanseviero for sparking this and being such a great partner during the acquisition process.

Stay tuned and get started with Argilla and distilabel!