We are hiring!

We need diverse backgrounds, sensibilities, and perspectives to build better AI solutions.

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Hiring process

The first important point about our hiring process is that we hire persons, not roles. This means the whole hiring process focuses on making sure you are a good fit for the team and we are a good fit for you. An important aspect of our culture is transparency. We want to give you a clear overview of our hiring process, so you can prepare yourself in advance. We’re always looking at improving our processes, so we’d be happy to receive feedback from you beforehand. With this in mind, we’ve designed a straightforward 5-step process.

1. Introduction (10 min phone/video call)

Your application is interesting to us, and we contact you. In a short phone-call we talk about the position, we give you the chance to ask initial questions and let us get a feeling about your potential fit in the team.

2. The cultural exchange (30 min video call)

This is a relaxed conversation led by a Argilla team member and you are not asked to prepare anything in particular. Just be yourself and be curious about what means to be working with us.
We are interested in getting to know you a little bit more beyond your CV, in particular about your motivations and things you enjoy inside and outside the workplace.
It will be a bidirectional exchange so we will also make sure we share relevant details about who we are (we are a small team so that’s feasible), how we work, and what are our main motivations for doing what we do. After this call, you and use should have a sense of whether we are a good fit.
If both sides agree, we will move forward to the challenge step.

3. The challenge (3-4 hours async work)

Depending on the position we will give you an exercise to complete in order to validate that your profile is aligned with the role needs.

4. The challenge review (45 min video call)

Whatever the position, we call it the “technical” interview. During this interview, you will present your approach to the challenge. Also the opportunity to review together that the daily activities fit with your skills. After the technical interview, we will tell you if you pass the selection to the final interview

5. The founder call (45 min video call)

To clarify any remaining questions. In this step, we review together the final offer, which will be sent to you via email after the call.